Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Seeing is Believing.. Others Just Believe

Title: Why Does God Hide?
Author:  Alan Lurie

This article is basically about the idea of whether or not God really exist, and for those whose struggle with the understanding of religion.  The articles questions that if there truly were a god why would he let such horrible incidents happen; example The Holocaust.  The article also brings up the Book of Job that it is easier to say you do not believe, then believe and not have all the answers.  Also, it states that believing in a virtual sense of God is childish and for most becomes frustrating.  However, the author says that for people who cannot believe in a virtual God that they can reach God through a loving and connecting feeling.  On the other hand, he says for some people religion and God do not come naturally to them.  For some their ego is more prominent than to postulate something greater than ourselves.  The author is trying to say that God is not being but a belief that is only their to drive us in our actions and questions.

I both disagree and agree with this article.  For instance, on the question if there really is a God why would he let such horrible catastrophes happen?  To believe in good you must believe in the bad, simple as that. If there is a God there must be a devil.  The devil is temptation, lust, gluttony, greed, hatred etc.  God is not simply walking the streets telling us what is good or bad or what to do, what not to do.  God is there to guide us and let us have faith and hope. To let us know that there is more meaning to our life and afterlife.  Even Job found hope for God by realizing his sins and walking away from the devil and closer to God, even when all of Job's questions were not answered.  Job became a believer of God and anyone can and not be childish.  For those who have never and may never see God in a virtual form knows he exist and simply just believe, because they feel that loving connection with Him.  Peoples' ego is what barricades their relationship with God or in any religion and their god like figure.  People want hardcore evidence to believe in a God, but why?  Why is not the feeling, the loving, the hope enough?  If there is no reason for God, no reason for religion, no reason for faith or hope just because there sometimes may be no physical proof, then what is left? There is nothing.  We live life unworthy, unhappy, hopeless.  So I believe that just because we do not have all the answers to God does not mean he is not there.

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