Sunday, October 17, 2010

Some Thoughts on.. Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

Why do bad things happen to good people?.. huh.. this one is tricky.  In the Christian faith there is a God and there is a devil, Satan.  God is omnibevelonent and omnipotent, why would he ever do anything to hurt us?  I believe God only gives us what we can handle or tests us in our faith.  However, if you believe in the Christian faith you must believe in Satan.  Satan is temptation, lust, etc and he is everywhere tempting us.  God believes if we have a strong enough faith Satan should have no effect on us.  Okay, but what about the people who have a strong faith in God and yet bad things still happen to them!  Like I said I believe God only gives us what we can handle.  No matter what we go through good/bad God is always there.  Christian followers must always remember what Jesus Christ suffered and that our suffering will never amount to what Jesus suffered.  Jesus died for us, for our sins. 

 No one will never know that kind of pain.  I know my answer is brief and short but it is straight to the point.  Every time I hear something bad or witness something awful I always go back to this same kind of thought process and it makes me at peace.This is a question many people struggle over to answer.  It could be answered in numerous ways.  My answer may not be best for my friend or neighbor, but it is the best answer for me.

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