The Rastafari Movement arose in Christian culture in Jamaica in the 1930s. It is a monotheistic religion supporting the new movement. The movement started with a man named Marcus Garvey , a black Jamaican who was considered second John the Baptist. I believe the main goal of the Rastas was to be peace with one another and return to their homeland in Africa. Also Rastas refer to themselves as "I and I" because it emphasizes between humanity and God as well as the equality of all humans. Rastas wanted freedom from oppression, and Garvey taught that Africans are the true Israelites and have been exiled to Jamaica and some other parts of the world. Garvey also taught that Zion is the promise land (Ethiopia as Zion) and one day God will return the Rastas to their homeland. Their sacred book is called the Holy Piby published in 1924 and it has resemblance to the Christian Bible because the Rastas removed any ideas that were distorted from mankind when the Bible was being translated to English. Rastas also believe in Judeo-Christian God, whom they refer to as Jah. Jah manifested on earth as Jesus and is believe to be black. In 1930 Ras Tafari Makonnen, later became known as Haile Selassie I meaning “Might of the Trinity” became the emperor of Ethiopia. Selassie was claimed to be Jesus, His Imperial Majesty (H.I.M.). The Rastas believed Selassie to bring all Rastas back home to the promise land. However, in the 1970s Selassie was captured and his death remains unreal to all Rastas, they believe Selassie awaits the Day of Judgement. There is no said to be approximately one million Rastas worldwide.

All my research was done online with the help of my professor and the aide of the library. I did a lot of googling and reading. I read many articles on Rastas and their beliefs and cultures. I wish I had the time and length to say a lot more. I found this religion really interesting and would definitely research more about it on my own time.